Educational Dance 1 and 2

This class will be on April 9th @ 11:30am to 2:30pm at NYSUM

What: This class will be divided in two parts: Educational Dance 1 and 2
  Participants will learn how to create a rich movement vocabulary to enhance their own teachings.

Who: Dance/Movement Teachers or and School Teachers who would like to enhance classes. As well as for anyone who would like to understand their own style of movement.
(Educational Dance has been proved to facilitate dialogue in schools as well as to help student to be more active in any subject like mathematics, geometry etc...)
Goal:  To learn that  Movement as in music has certain 'patterns'  that work better for different creations. Example Participants will learn the Who? What? Where? When? How? of movement and how to use these crucial keys of movement.
How: By question words above connected to   Body, Action, Space, Time and Dynamic.
This class/seminar is crucial for those who would like to learn how to teach Children. And teach any 'regular' person who does not move/dance.
As a result of this class participants will have a big vocabulary of about 100 words that creates movement. Also will know how to organize a class based on the question words above
In addition participants will learn a specific defense scale that helps students to understand their personal space and therefore be more alert to their environment.

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